Issue 97 March 2009:
This is a nagging problem, an embarrassing problem, a situation that requires relief under any circumstances. Most of us have suffered with vexing constipation at some point in our lives, as a result of a lapse in our good judgment over food or lifestyle. When this tragic physical problem arises we first look for assistance on the shelves of our local drugstore. We are all familiar with the numerous medicinal compounds that are available in many different forms, from pills to gum to enemas, in a variety of price ranges. They all work occasionally, but none work all the time; the better ones containing some natural extract from a herb or root. But it seems silly to invest in these medicines when using the original plant would be more effective and purer.
People suffer constipation for a myriad of reasons, some very common. One of the most obvious causes of the condition is poor mastication, because many of us eat in a hurry or on the go and do not chew our food properly. This can cause various clogs in the alimentary system. The most common causes of constipation are a lack of fluids and fiber. You may have always wondered why food guides preach at us to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day; the primary reason is to prevent digestive blocking. Likewise, with the host of fast food outlets tempting us with convenience and speed, we miss out on proper amounts of fiber in our food, causing a clog in human plumbing.
If diet is not the problem’s source, it could very well be as a result of medication, especially opiates. Many prescription and non-prescription medicines can cause constipation, so your family doctor can offer advice on relieving the problem. One can also develop this ailment as a result of illness or pregnancy or major changes in lifestyle. Constipation can also result from severe anxiety or distress and not surprisingly due to lack of physical exercise.
Treating the problem is often easily done: drinking lots of water or changing your diet may be all that is required. Many of us do not eat enough fruit and vegetables which are required to keep our digestive tracts in order. Especially fibrous vegetables, raisins and prunes, cherries and a host of other fruits will rescue you. Full fiber bread as well as seeds and nuts give your body the much needed fiber it requires. Some people swear by walnuts, some by stewed prunes, suffice it to say your diet is lacking.
This painful and interfering problem need not cause you grief. It is easy to start eating a more natural menu of fibered foods, drink more water and chew your food well. This along with getting regular exercise can insure that you will never be constipated again.
Do you expect your doctor to help you get rid of constipation or chronic constipation and, to tell you what you need to do to keep it from coming back and at the same time tell you how to improve your health.
It is Not Your Fault You Have Constipation or Chronic Constipation
So why is it not your fault that you have constipation? Well, one reason is, you have constipation because of what you eat. When you were growing up, you learned what, how and why to eat the way you eat now. This means you were trained on how to eat by your parents.
How to get rid of constipation
To get rid of constipation short term is easy. If you are constipated, you can get unplugged in a week or two or less and maybe in a day. Keeping un-constipated or regular long term is harder to do.
Now here is what you should know and need to do.
Drink more water or natural juices - if you do not drink enough water, your body takes it from your fecal matter in the colon and makes your stools hard and difficult to eliminate.
Eat more fruits and their juices - eat only fruits and vegetables and their juices from 8 pm to 12 pm. This helps you to detoxify and eliminate anything your have in your colon. You will also get more fiber since fruits are high in fiber. Then at noon time you can have a nice lunch.
How to Eat Protein to prevent constipation or chronic constipation
If you do not eat vegetables with your protein, this is a big problem and you are going to create constipation. Your protein is going to take a long time going through your colon, and you will be constipation. The longer protein stays in the colon the more susceptible you are to colon cancer and other colon diseases.
So eat smaller protein portions and always eat it with raw vegetables. The vegetables provide fiber to mix in with the digested protein. Do not eat fruit with your meals or as desert, they interfere with your digestion.
How to Eat Bread to prevent constipation or chronic constipation
Now, the same is true about bread or other flour products. They digest quicker than protein in the stomach, but in the colon they move very slowly. Again, eat them with vegetables unless you want to keep your constipation.
Use these ideas and you will see that you will slowly start to eliminate constipation and prevent chronic constipation.
Dr. Benjamin Sinappan
Director – Medical Services
Occupational Health Physician
A Public Contribution by PMCare
Restricted circulation for PMCare members only
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The information is provided in good faith and not meant to be the basis for treatment or management. All treatment and management must be done with the advice and under the directly supervision of a qualified medical doctor. PMCare or its office bearers take no responsibility for the accuracy or inaccuracy of the information provided and will not be liable for any consequences